4 Cara Reset Blackberry Yang WAJIB Anda Ketahui

4 Cara reset blackberry / restart bb yang mudah cepat dan aman untuk mengatasi blackberry anda yang mengalami lemot atau sekedar ingin mengembalikan blackberry ke pengaturan awal (settingan awal pabrik). Salah satu solusi mengatasi blackberry yang sering lemot ialah dengan melakukan restart blackberry atau reset blackberry. Biasanya para pengguna bb melakukan restart blackberry untuk mematikan semua aplikasi blackberry yang berjalan, sehingga ketika bb menyala lagi akan fresh dan terhindar dari lemot. Namun tak banyak juga yang melakukan format ulang blackberry dengan mereset blackberry ke pengaturan awal pabrik dikarenakan ingin blackberry nya kembali fresh seperti baru. Istilah reset blackberry ke pengaturan awal ini sering disebut dengan WIPE Blackberry. cara-reset-blackberry Mereset blackberry atau merestart blackberry biasanya dilakukan pengguna saat blackberry diarasa lambat/ lemot, sering keluar jam pasir saat loading, dan tak jarang juga para pengguna bb melakukan reset blackberry ketika ingin menjual hp blackberry lamanya atau ketika habis membeli blackberry bekas. Nah disini akan kami share beberapa cara aman cepat dan mudah melakukan reset blackberry untuk anda yang memang sedang membutuhkan tutorial/ langkah langkah reset blackberry. Cara Restart Blackberry : 1. Salah satu cara untuk merestart blackberry ialah dengan melakukan “Soft Reset”, caranya ialah dengan menekan tombol “alt + capslok kanan + Del” secara bersamaan. Gunakan jari 2 tangan anda untuk memudahkan proses ini. 2. Cara restart blackberry yang kedua ialah dengan “double soft reset”. Lakukan soft reset seperti pada cara 1 diatas, setelah layar sudah menjadi hitam dan muncul loading blackberry, lakukan soft reset sekali lagi dengan menekan tombol yang sama yakni “alt + capslok kanan + Del”. Tujuannya ialah untuk benar- benar menghentikan semua proses aplikasi blackberry anda yang sedang berjalan. 3. Cara restart blackberry yang ketiga ialah dengan melakukan hard reset. Yaitu dengan membuka cashing belakang, selanjutnya lepas baterai blackberry anda, tunggu 1 hingga 2 menit kemudian pasang kembali baterai blackberry anda, hal ini untuk menghapus beberapa Log file/ Cache aplikasi yang mungkin masih tertinggal. Cara Reset Blackberry Ke Pengaturan Awal : Cara mereset blackberry ke setingan awal pabrik ini biasa dikenal dengan istilah “WIPE Handled” yakni melakukan format ulang atau penghapusan semua data yang ada pada memory internal anda. Oleh karena itu, sebelum anda melakukan proses wipe blackberry ini, sebaiknya anda lakukan backup data penting anda terlebih dahulu seperti Kontak, Pesan, PIN BBM, Autotext BBM, atau data penting lainnya. Dan saya sarankan saat anda melakukan proses ini sebaiknya anda lepas Memory Card external anda guna menghindari kemungkinan yang tidak diinginkan. Caranya cukup mudah, Yakni dengan menuju Menu Options > Security > WIPE Handled > Beri Tanda Centang “include third party applications” > Selanjutnya ketik “Blackberry” (tanpa tanda petik) untuk memulai proses wipe/ formal ulang blackberry anda ke pengaturan awal. Cukup mudah bukan 4 cara reset blackberry diatas ? Cara diatas bisa anda lakukan disemua tipe blackberry entah itu gemini, onyx, torch, monza, dakota, orlando, davis, armstrong, maupun blackberry CDMA. Sekali lagi saya ingatkan, lakukan backup data blackberry anda terlebih dahulu sebelum memutuskan untuk melakukan wipe/ reset blackberry ke pengaturan awal pabrik tersebut. Sekian dan semoga informasi dari kami dapat menambah wawasan anda semua khususnya sahabat pengguna blackberry diseluruh tanah air. Source : cara restart bb,cara reset blackberry,Cara reset bb,cara merestart bb,cara mereset blackberry,cara restart blackberry,cara reset bb gemini,cara merestart blackberry,cara mereset bb,cara reset hp bb


1) 写文章 一边旅游,一边赚钱。很多人已经成功这么做了,他们写旅途见闻,分享照片视频,为旅游商品提供广告平台。不只部落格,有的人开始用Youtube拍视频,赚取额外收入了。 或者,写一些有趣的题材,最新,最热,很多网站开始接受这些文章,只要你的文章被越多人分享或阅读,你就会获得越多回酬。为什么呢?因为他们想要制造流量,越多人浏览,这些网站就可以做更多广告。 如果有兴趣,可以参考此文章最底部分,编辑及分享文章赚钱。 如果你的英文不错,写的文章被接受,就可以获得美金。你可以参考这个网站,这个网站介绍另外七个blog (各种题材),有的奖励高达100美金。 2) 建立网站 你可以帮别人设计网站宣传他们的产品,从中获取回酬。不会建立网站,不要怕,只要你肯下一点功夫,网上有一些教我们如何轻松建立网站,小弟本身正在学习中 一些免费,简单,漂亮的英文网站制作,例如:Wix 和 Weebly 中文网站制作,例如:Webnode 还有一个简单的英文网站制作介绍,GoDaddy 其实很简单又便宜。 如果你有问题,可以发email 问他们。为什么我建议这个呢?因为花一笔小钱,就可以取个自己喜欢的网站名字,建立自己品牌。 如果觉得以上的网站很难,没关系,Facebook Page 本身就是一个很简单的网页。如何宣传,你可以加入其它Facebook Group, 然后Post 你的 Facebook Page. 有很多人做面子书网站,大家可以选择一些做参考。 掌握了建立网站的学问,一生受益良多。每天花一点心思,集少成多,从简单的网页开始。如果有学生不知道大学要读什么专业,可以考虑学习制作网站的课程,写程序之类的。网上也有免费的课程。 3) 网购 这里有个如何开始网购生意的讨论帖,小弟觉得不错,请看这里。如果想聘请别人帮你做网站,这里有一个帖,但是要了解他们的能力或经验哦。 如果学会了建立网站,自己又有热爱的产品,比如衣服,护肤,电子烟,收集球鞋,想不想自己寻找供应商,自己做买卖呢?只要你做功课,了解市场需求以及可能性,成功离你不远。 现在店面租金高,在网上只要你会宣传,在家你也可以做网卖,而且顾客来源更广。网卖还有一个好处,你可以选择不要进货以及存货,省空间,省租金。当你收到订单时,你才跟供应商拿货。 面子书许多地方可以免费宣传,比如加入一些 facebook group 然后宣传。如果你想要针对特定的顾客,面子书可以帮你过滤年龄,地区以及喜好,而帮你针对更有可能性的未来顾客,而且广告价钱非常合理。 刚开始时,小弟也帮别人开了Facebook Page, 广告费一个星期RM28, 这一个星期就帮我吸引了超过1500个人浏览, 200个Likes,虽然现在没有打广告了,那个Likes 还是持续增加着。 (还有,Facebook Account 和 Facebook Page 有点不一样,只有 Facebook page 才可以做广告) 4) Affiliate Marketing 如果你有上网买东西的习惯,如果你觉得产品不错,当你介绍给朋友时,有一些购物网站其实会给佣金 (前提是,你的朋友购买了那些产品)。只要你分享链接,朋友透过那个链接买东西,你就会得到佣金) 或者,你可以建立Facebook page 或 网站,分享网上有折扣的好东东的链接,然后就等着赚佣金吧。(网上有很多做直销或传销的,小弟本人觉得那些产品并不是很满意。所以还是自己推销一些真正的好东西给大家,前提是:自己也喜欢那个产品) 一些网购例如: Zalora(大马网购,佣金高达12%) Lazada (大马网购,佣金高达12%) Amazon(国际网购,佣金高达10%) ClickBank 国际 (网购,佣金不定) ClickBank 中文网 网上还有各种各样的联盟网,只要用心,你可以发现很多网站都有这种合作方式。 5) 写 Ebook 如果你有一技之长,你可以把你的经验/学问写下来,在一些网路上卖, 例如:Amazon, Ebay, E-sentral。如果你没有特别的才能,不要紧,你可以与别人合作,比如说,你认识一个股票专家,可以与他合作,把他所知道的写成一本书,然后放在网上卖,每卖一本书,你就会自动得到一点佣金。 6) 填写 Survey 在家里上网回答 Survey 赚一点现金,优惠卷或奖励,很简单很轻松,只须花一点时间和耐心。 例如 iPanelonline, Toluna, Opini, MOBROG, 等等。(但是,每天能做的调查问卷,大多数网站都有限制) 7) 翻译 如果你会中文和英语,或更多语言,可以尝试 Unbabel。 做翻译每小时可赚8美金。(注册后,会有一些训练,为了确保翻译的水准,需要一点耐心和时间,小弟做了两个星期的训练才被批准,因为小弟的中文不是很好,哈哈) 8)分享文章 喜欢在上网,面子书看一些有趣的资讯吗?如果你也喜欢分享给朋友,以下是一些你可以赚取一点外快的文章分享网站。 例如: 大榴莲 (千次点阅可获得 4美金) Giga Circle (千次点阅可获得 2 至 4美金) 大厨网 (千次点阅可获得 8美金) 8share(分享后,当朋友按一次,你将会得到RM0.20, 五十次点阅可获得10零吉) 我们可以分享文章到 Facebook,Google+ 微信、微博 各种大型网站或者论坛 每千次的浏览可获得4美金的收入 (每次浏览要三十秒以上) 而且你也可以在大榴莲写文章,当别人分享你的文章是,你也会有收入。

Facebook Shortcuts

Different Platforms have different 'modifier keys'. If e.g. shortcut 1 is for home, you would press Alt+1 on Chrome for Windows, but Alt+Shift+1 on Firefox for Windows Shift+Alt+# Firefox for PC Ctrl+Option+# Safari for Mac Ctrl+Option+# Firefox for Mac Ctrl+Option+# Chrome for Mac Alt+# Chrome for PC minus2. Standard Shortcuts 1 home 2 timeline/profile 3 friends 4 messages 5 notifications 6 general account settings 7 privacy settings 8 Facebook's Facebook page 9 legal terms 0 help center M new message ? search minus3. Newsfeed Navigation J/K Scroll forward through News Feed / Scroll backwards through News Feed C Comment on selected story I Like or unlike a story minus4. Lightbox Mode L Like or unlike a photo Arrow Left/Arrow Right skip back and forth between photos

Windows 7 Shortcuts

minusMove and Resize Active Window Win+Arrow Down Set window to Restored (if Maximized) or Minimized (if Restored) Win+Arrow Up Maximize window (if Restored) Win+Shift+Arrow Down/Win+Shift+Arrow Up Maximize Restored window vertically / Restore window to previous state Win+Arrow Right/Win+Arrow Left Move Restored window to left/center/right. Works across multiple monitors Win+Shift+Arrow Right/Win+Shift+Arrow Left Move window to left monitor / to right monitor when using multiple monitors Alt+Space Opens the title bar menu Alt+Space+Enter Restore Window Alt+Space+X Maximize Window Alt+Space+N Minimize Window F11 Turn full page view on or off 'Maximized' means full screen, 'Restored' means variable window size, and 'Minimized' means minimized to taskbar. minusSwitch between Applications Alt+Tab, Alt+Shift+Tab Cycles through open programs in taskbar. Hold alt and continuously press tab to move forward between applications. Release keys to switch to application selected. Add shift to reverse direction. Alt+Ctrl+Tab, then use arrow keys to select application Cycles through open programs in taskbar without needing to hold alt continuously. Press alt+ctrl+tab once, then continue with arrow keys and press enter on application. Alt+Esc/Alt+Shift+Esc Cycle through programs on taskbar in the order they were opened or accessed Win+Tab Cycle through programs using Aero Flip 3D Ctrl+Win+Tab Cycle through programs on Taskbar using Aero Flip 3D Win+G Cycle through Gadget Window minusManage Multiple Windows Win+D Minimize all windows on all Monitors. Press again to restore previous state Win+M Minimize all windows on current Monitor Win+Shift+M Restore previously minimized windows on current Monitor Win+Home Set all windows to Minimized on current Monitor except active Win+Space Preview Desktop / make windows transparent (May not work with all Settings) minus2. Accessing Windows Features Win+E Start Windows Explorer (in My Computer) Win+R Open the Run window Win+F Open Windows Search. f3 on empty desktop works, too. Win+L Lock the keyboard/ computer Win+F1 Display Windows Help Alt+Shift Change keyboard language layout if multiple language layouts are active* Shift when inserting CD or DVD Prevent CD or DVD from automatically playing Win+P Choose Presentation Display Mode Win+X Open Mobility Center * When working with multiple Keyboards Layouts (e.g. Spanish/English/German). Add unlimited Layouts under Regional settings and activate language bar in Taskbar to see current language. Switch with shortcut any time. minus3. Windows 7 Taskbar Win or Ctrl+Esc Activate Start Button. Then use arrow keys, space and enter to navigate within Start Menu Win+T Go to first item in taskbar, continue with arrow keys Win+B Go to first item in system tray Shift+click on a taskbar item Start new instance of taskbar item Ctrl+Shift+click on a taskbar item Start new instance of taskbar item as administrator Shift+right-click on a taskbar item Show the window menu for the program Win+1...9 Switch to application in position N on taskbar (or launch pinned application) Shift+Win+1...9 Start new instance of taskbar item in position N on taskbar Unfortunately, Microsoft removed the possibility to select multiple taskbar items in Windows 7 minus4. Navigating Desktop Arrow Keys Navigate between and select single icons on desktop (when focus is on the desktop) Home/End Select first / select last object on desktop Enter Launch active icon Shift+F10 Activate context menu of active icon by simulates right mouse button. Once in the context menu use arrow keys, a-z and enter to select item tab, shift+tab on empty desktop Navigate between desktop, the quick-launch bar, task bar and notification bar. Then use arrow keys and enter or space to activate specific icons A, B, C, ... Pressing the initial letter of the name of any objects will highlight the respective application or folder. Continue typing the object name if multiple objects start with the same letter minus5. Windows Explorer minusBasics Win+E Start Windows Explorer (My Computer) Alt+Arrow Up Go up one folder Alt+Arrow Left/Alt+Arrow Right Go to previous folder / go to next folder Tab/Shift+Tab Switch focus forward/ backward between Address bar, Search Bar, Toolbar, Navigation Pane, and File List (Default is usually File List) Alt+D or f4 Jump to the Address bar and select absolute address. Copy address with ctrl+c if desired Ctrl+E or ctrl+f Jump to Search Box in Explorer Ctrl+N Open new instance of Windows Explorer F11 Maximize window minusNavigate File List and Navigation Pane Arrow Keys Navigate between files and folders Enter Open folder or start application Home/End Jump to first / jump to last item F2 Change the file name of active item F2, then arrow left/Arrow Right Move one character to the left / to the right in item name F2, then ctrl+Arrow Left/Ctrl+Arrow Right Jump one word to the left / to the right of item name F2, then home /End Jump to beginning / jump to end of item name F2, then ctrl+a Select complete object name including suffix (default excludes suffix) Arrow Left/Arrow Right Expand folder / collapse folder (navigation pane only) minusFile List Alt+P Display or hide Preview Pane Alt+V then D View details. Check View menu for more options Alt+V then X View extra-large icons. Check View menu for more options Ctrl+mouse scroll wheel Change size of icons minusSelect Items in File List and Navigation Pane Shift+Arrow Up/Arrow Down Select multiple adjacent items (directly above or below) ctrl with arrow keys and space Select multiple non-adjacent items. Hold ctrl, use arrow keys to move to next item, and press space to add/remove from selection Ctrl+A Select all A ...Z and 1..9 Press the initial letter any item to jump to it. Continue typing the full name if multiple items start with the same letter minusManipulate Items in Explorer Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X, Ctrl+V ctrl+C for copy, Ctrl+X for cut and Ctrl+V for paste Ctrl+Z Undo an action Ctrl+Y Redo an action Delete Delete an item and place it into the Recycle Bin Shift+Delete Delete an item permanently without placing it into the Recycle Bin Shift+F10 Activate context menu of active object. Replaces the right mouse button. Once in the context menu use arrow keys, a-z and enter to get to the selection Ctrl+Shift+N Create new folder Alt+Enter Open Properties dialog box minus6. Photo Viewer Arrow Left/Arrow Right Go to next / go to previous photo Ctrl+. Rotate photo clockwise Ctrl+, Rotate photo counter-clockwise [+]/- Zoom in / zoom out (or mouse wheel) Ctrl+0 (zero) Fit to Window Delete Delete current photo Shift+Delete Permanently delete current photo Alt+Enter Show properties of current photo Alt+E or Ctrl+S Email current photo Ctrl+C Copy current photo file to clipboard Alt+O Open current photo in other application (e.g. Paint of Office) minus7. Dialog Boxes Ctrl+Tab/Ctrl+Shift+Tab Move forward / move backwards through tabs Tab/Shift+Tab Move forward / move backwards through options Alt+underlined letter Perform the command (or select the option) that goes with that letter Enter Replaces clicking the mouse for many selected commands Space Select or clear the check box if the active option is a check box Arrow Keys Select a button if the active option is a group of option buttons F4 Display the items in the active list Backspace Open a folder one level up if a folder is selected in the Save As or Open dialog box minus8. Windows Admin minusAdmin Tasks Ctrl+Win+F Search for Computers (with Active Directory activated) Win+Pause/Break Display System Properties which holds system properties, computer name, device manager and so on Ctrl+Shift+Esc Opens Windows Task Manager minusRemote Desktop Alt+Page Up/Alt+Page Down Move between programs from left to right / from right to left Alt+Insert Cycle through programs in the order that they were started in Alt+Home Display the Start menu Ctrl+Alt+pause/break Switch between a window and full screen Ctrl+Alt+End Display the Windows Security dialog box Alt+Delete Display the system menu minus9. Windows Help Tab Move between links Alt+C Display the Table of Contents Alt+N Display the Connection Settings menu F10 Display the Options menu Alt+Arrow Left/Alt+Arrow Right Move back / move forward to the previously/ next viewed topic Alt+A Display the customer support page Alt+Home Display the Help and Support home page Home/End Move to the beginning / to the end of a topic Ctrl+F Search the current topic. Press tab to leave Ctrl+P Print a topic F3 Move the cursor to the search box. Press tab to leave minus10. Ease of Access and Magnifier minusEase of Access Win+U Open Ease of Access Center Press Shift five times. Turn Sticky Keys on or off Press Num Lock for five seconds Turn Toggle Keys on or off Right Shift for eight seconds Turn Filter Keys on or off left Alt + left Shift +Num Lock Turn Mouse Keys on or off left Alt + left Shift + prtScn Turn High Contrast on or off (Careful, will change theme!) minusMagnifier Win+[+] Start Magnifier and zoom in Win+- Zoom out with Magnifier active Ctrl+Alt+I Invert colors in Magnifier display Win+Esc Exit Magnifier Ctrl+Alt+Arrow Keys Move the Magnifier windows Note: Microsoft lists more shortcuts for Magnifier, but not all of them seem to work.

Simple Ways to Sell Items Online

EBay EBay is one of the most widely used ways to sell items online. Membership is free to sign up. You set up an auction for your item. Use the site’s template to create the auction page. Upload a picture, write a product description, and set the length of the auction and initial bid. Customers bid on the item until the auction ends and submit payment through the site. EBay takes a percentage of the sale as a fee. The amount is based on the final sale price. You can set a reserve, which means if the bids don't reach a certain point, the item doesn't sell. Online Craft Fairs Online craft fair sites work well for people who want to sell hand-made items online. You set up a free virtual store and tag your items with various keywords to help consumers find the items. Some sites even allow consumers to request the types of items they want. Some online craft sites are Etsy, DaWanda and Lovli. Social Networking Sometimes, people have a built-in audience for their goods through friends and family. One of the most common ways to keep in touch with friends and family is through social networking. You can post information and pictures of your items on Facebook, MySpace or Twitter. With some people having in excess of several hundred friends, the audience can be quite wide. Buy.com even offers a garage sale application for use on Facebook.

How to Make a Facebook Store Stand Out

Start Fresh 1.Research and compare e-commerce software providers and Facebook store applications. Pick one that you find easy to use and set up and fits your business needs. 2.Create an eye-catching logo that is representative of your business. Design it yourself, hire a graphic artist, or ask customers for help. 3.Make sure that your store is well organized. All photos should be in titled albums with thoughtful descriptions and information should be updated and complete. 4.Delete any tabs that aren’t currently being used and focus on quality content. Clear your wall, deleting any unwanted or unprofessional posts. Experiment with different features, trying only a few at a time. Starting simple is key. Emphasize Your Products 1.Update your store often with new merchandise information and include many photos of your products. Communicate with your customers, letting them know when sold-out items will be restocked. 2.Use a professional to photograph your products. Barter with local photographers to receive services free of charge in exchange for promotion of their Facebook pages on your page. Create a signature look for your product photographs that ties them to the theme of your store and its logo. 3.Make sure to add a “Like” button on each item for sale in your external e-commerce site so that clients can promote your products. Promote Your Store 1.Ask your customers and fans to help you promote. Encourage them to share your link by holding contests with incentives. Word of mouth about your store will travel faster with Facebook, and nothing attracts more attention than a large number of Facebook fans. 2.Get clients and fans involved with polls, Facebook only sales, discounts and offer prizes to fans who refer the most number of friends. 3.Ask customers to leave positive feedback directly on your Facebook page and to email you with any complaints. 4.Make your page as interactive as possible. Think of it as an e-store, a blog, a customer review and ranking page, a client forum and a promotional newsletter. 5.Cross-promote your brand by adding pages from complementary brands and services to your page, and by posting on their pages. Behind the Scenes 1.Log in to your store often; respond to fan questions and comments, and verify links are in working order. 2.Use your name and photo to give customers a feel for who you are. 3.Track your statistics. Carefully read your Facebook feedback, observing what kind of posts have shown the most interaction and increased fans or sales. 4.Tweak your page preferences and settings for optimal use. If your customers are getting constant news feeds when you post, limit the number and keep them meaningful. 5.Visit other Facebook stores often to review successful promotions of other vendors.