Cara Check Warranty Samsung
Ramai yang tertanya-tanya macammana nak check balance warranty handphone Samsung ni jadi kat sini saya akan bagitau cara paling mudah untuk check. Kepada anda yang ada hanphone samsung boleh la cuba yer. Kepada anda yang nak beli handphone second hand (terpakai) dan takut-takut seller tipu anda mengenai balance warranty, anda boleh la cuba semak warranty handphone tersebut sebelum membelinya. Jom tengok cara semak warranty produk Samsung ni :
Mula-mula tekan *#06# untuk dapatkan Imei Number anda
Kepada Pengguna Celcom
Taip SMS : PC Imei Number dan hantar ke 33802
Kepada Pengguna Maxis & Digi
Taip SMS : PC Imei Number dan hantar ke 62002
Jadi dalam beberapa saat atau minit anda akan dapat sms daripada Samsung tentang berapa lama lagi tempoh warranty anda.
Pengenalan Handphone AP Set & Original
Tahukan anda, kebanyakan model handphone sekarang telah mengeluarkan AP set yang mirip dengan original. Diingatkan anda supaya berhati-hati terutama semasa hendak membeli handphone baru. Terdapat beberapa perbezaaan antara handphone original dengan handphone AP set. Mari kita kongsikan bersama maklumat mengenai handphone ini memandangkan masih ramai lagi belum mengetahui akan hal ini.
Produk AP Set (Authorized Product) mempunyai kualiti yang sama 100% seperti Original tetapi, anda perlu tahu bahawa dia bukanlah pengedar yang diiktiraf oleh pengeluar handphone tersebut. Misalnya Nokia, Asia Mobile, uTNT dan VSCOM merupakan di antara pengedar AP Set bagi Nokia tetapi mereka tidak diiktiraf. Untuk original pula, Zithron dan Avaxx adalah pengedar Nokia yang sah. Perbezaaan Handphone Original vs AP Set
Pertama, dari segi warranty. Handphone original akan mendapat warranty dari syarikat pengeluar utamanya sendiri contohnya seperti Samsung mendapat warranty daripada Samsung Malaysia Electronic (SME) dan iphone dan ipad mendapat warranty daripada Apple. Jangkamasa warranty bergantung kepada syarikat terbabit. Selalunya warranty bagi handphone original adalah 12 bulan atau 24 bulan. untuk handphone AP pula, warranty adakah daripada syarikat yang mengedarkan handphone terbabit. Jadi warranty tersebut tidak akan diterima oleh mana-mana syarikat pengeluar utama. Sebarang kerosakan handphone AP mestilah dirujuk kepada syarikat atau kedai yang mereka beli.
Kedua, perbezaannya adalah dari segi harga. Harga AP Set adalah jauh lebih murah berbanding original. Bukan sikit tau tapu beratus jugak la perbezaan harga kedua handphone ni. Tapi AP Set selalunya tak dapat Free Gift seperti original dapat contohnya Galaxy Y AP Set takkan dapat 4 Free Back Cover.
Kalau anda tanya pendapat saya, saya akan beli handphone AP set. Mengapa? Kerana kualitinya adalah sama 100% dan cuma beza pada warranty sahaja. Saya nak tanya, adakah anda akan pergi ke Samsung SME contohnya jika anda pandai jaga handphone anda dengan baik? Sayang rasanya kita membazir, kalau kita pandai jaga nescaya handphone tu akan kekal lama dan takkan mudah rosak. Harga AP Set murah la, jadi dah ada penjimatan kat situ. Kalau AP Set murah RM200 daripada original? Teruja kan? RM200 tu boleh buat macam-macam la. Kalau nak makan pula, boleh kenyang lebih seminggu.
Cara Nak Kenal AP Set / Original / CLONE
1. Original warranty 1 tahun kebiasaannya bagi (Samsung,Nokia,Sony Ericsson, iPhone Etc) kecuali HTC dan Blackberry mempunyai 2 tahun warranty dari Brightstar / Brightpoint. Kadnagkala warranty Samsung juga ada 2 tahun bagi model yang baru keluar tetapi hanya boleh didapati di Samsung sahaja.
2. Kalau clone, pastikan anda check internal memory. Kebiasaannya internal memory handphone Clone adalah 2GB – 4 GB sahaja. Jarang ada 8GB dan sangat jarang untuk menjumpai 16GB. Contohnya Original Samsung Galaxy S3 adalah 16GB manakala S3 Clone yang banyak dijual yang mempunyai rupa yang mirip dengan S3 Original adalah 4GB sahaja.
3. Pastikan ada sticker Original di belakang tempat letak battery. Kebiasannya akan terdapat 1 stocker berbentuk bulat. Contohnya Samsung = Sticker bulat ada logo samsung dan bersaiz kecil sahaja.
Senarai 10 Blog Terbaik Malaysia MSMW2014
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5. Best Gadget Blog –
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Android 5.0
Google’s recently released Android 5.0 mobile operating system is currently running on fewer than 0.1 percent of handsets, according to data released by the company. The new software, code-named ‘Lollipop,’ was made generally available November 12. Carriers are currently rolling Lollipop out to consumers, according to their own schedule.
The limited uptake of Android’s fifth version so far underscores a wider problem in the mobile world: Fragmentation. It took Windows Phone 8.1, for example, nearly half a year to make it to the 50 percent market share mark. And as Wired notes, Apple is seeing slower adoption of its new iOS 8 than some expected.
Current reports indicate that Lollipop is seeing increasing over-the-air updates, which could quickly push its market share numbers higher. Google was not immediately available to comment on the current Lollipop figures.
However, even if Lollipop manages to grow its share of the Android install base through the end of the year, it will likely face an adoption ceiling. Currently, the most popular version of Android is KitKat, or Android 4.4. It commands 33.9 percent market share. There are six versions of Android at current tip that have more than 7 percent market share, for reference. Given that, it seems doubtful that Lollipop itself will do much better than the 30 percent mark, unless something in its ecosystem changes.
Looking backwards, we can compare the current rollout of Lollipop to the KitKat release. The first time KitKat hit the charts, it had 0.01 percent market share. The next month, that tally inched up to 1.11 percent. The next month, 2.94 percent. So the initial incline can be shallow for new Android builds.
Operating system fragmentation makes the work of developers more difficult. If the install base of phones that you’re building for not only have a wide array of screen sizes, but also firmware, building an app that will work for the majority of users can be difficult. This applies to all three platforms, of course.
21 FAKTA Mengenai Facebook
1. Facebook mempunyai lebih 350 juta pengguna aktif.Lebih 35 juta pengguna mengemas kini status mereka setiap hari dan 55 juta status yang dikemas kini setiap hari.
2. Lebih 2.5 bilion gambar dimuat naik ke Facebook setiap bulan.
3. Secara purata,pengguna Facebook mempunyai 130 rakan dan menghantar 8 permintaan menjadi rakan setiap bulan.
4. Facebook berada di kedudukan ketiga di belakang Youtube dan Google dalam '100 carian' di antara kanak-kanak bawah 18 tahun pada 2009.
5. Rakyat Amerika meluangkan masa 13.9 bilion minit setahun di Facebook dan 5 bilion minit di MySpace.
6. Pada tahun 2008, seorang wanita berumur 23 tahun membuat kumpulan di Facebook bertajuk "I need *ex".Dalam masa 10 minit,dia sudah ada 35 ahli dan kemudian menarik 100 orang.50 daripadanya akhirnya 'tidur' dengannya.Facebook juga telah membuang halamannya.
7. Jika Facebook adalah negara,ia akan menjadi negara kelima terbesar di dunia selepas China,India,Amerika dan Indonesia.
8. Seorang bapa berumur 39 tahun dari Pennsylvania ditangkap kerana secara terbuka mengajak anaknya yang berumur 13 tahun melakukan "proses pemindahan gamet"(s*x) melalui Facebook.
9. Secara purata,pengguna Facebook meluangkan 55 minit sehari di laman itu.Mereka menggunakan butang "suka" 9 kali sebulan dan 25 komen setiap bulan.
10. Kira-kira 70% pengguna Facebook diluar Amerika.
11. Facebook disekat di China.
12. Pada December 2009,terdapat 250 pengguna aktif di Facebook,meningkat dari 1 juta pengguna pada December 2004.
13. Orang pertama yang melabur Facebook adalah pengasas PayPal,Peter Thiel.Dia melabur sebanyak 500,000 dollar pada Jun 2004.
14. Pada September 2009,Mark Zuckerberg mengumumkan bahawa Facebook telah menjana wang lebih dari yang diguna untuk pertama kali.
15. Kedua-dua penduduk dan Jabatan Polis telah meningkat dalam menggunakan Facebook untuk mencari suspek jenayah.
16. Pada 1 July 2009,selepas sahaja Michael Jackson meninggal dunia,halamannya menjadi halaman yang paling popular di Facebook.Sebelum ini,halaman yang paling popular adalah halaman Presiden Barrack Obama dengan jumlah lebih 6 juta peminat.
17. adalah laman yang post semula post lucu dari pengguna Facebook.
19. Di Amerika,54.7 peratus orang yang berumur 13 hingga 17 tahun mempunyai akaun Facebook.
20. Terdapat lebih 800 000 pencipta aplikasi Facebook.
21. Pada December 2009,ketika Facebook menukar tetapan peribadi,gambar peribadi Mark Zuckerberg di mana dia kelihatan tidak berbaju (shirtless),sedang memegang ' teddy bear ' dan berada dalam keadaan "terpampang".............menjadi umum.
BBM untuk Android 2.3
Informasi download aplikasi BBM untuk 2.3
(Gingerbrad). Sebagaimana diketahui bahwa aplikasi BBM (Blackberry
Messenger) semakin digemari oleh masyarakat dikarenakan aplikasi BBM
bisa digunakan secara gratis pada ponsel . Pada awal kemunculan aplikasi BBM di Android adalah aplikasi BBM bisa dijalankan pada ponsel dan
yang telah menggunakan OS Android versi 4.0. Sehingga bagi pengguna
smartphone dengan Android versi lama yaitu Android versi 2.3, dan
Android 3.0 tidak bisa menjalankan BBM. Atau dengan kata lain bahwa
syarat minimum untuk menjalankan BBM adalah ponsel dengan OS Android
versi 4.0. Namun, dikarenakan masih banyak pengguna ponsel Android 2.3
(Gingerbrad) maka akan segera meluncurkan aplikasi BBM untuk Android 2.3 (Gingerbrad), sehingga kita juga bisa men-download dan menggunakan aplikasi BBM untuk Android 2.3, yang sebagai syarat miinimal prosesor ponsel yang bisa menjalankan aplikasi BBM di Android adalah ARMv7.
Informasi akan diluncurkannya BBM untuk Android 2.3 adalah berasal dari resmi BlackBerry, yang menjelaskan bahwa aplikasi BBM versi Android Gingerbread saat ini telah memasuki versi beta dan disebutkan akan segera diluncurkan pada Februari 2014. Sehingga mulai sekarang sering-seringlah Anda mengikuti perkembangan dari situs resmi Balckberry, sehingga segera bisa untuk men- BBM versi Android 2.3, dan kemudian bisa menggunakan BBM di Android 2.3 secara gratis, sebagaimana penggunaan aplikasi BBM di Android 4.0. Sekarang Anda bisa mengunduh aplikasi BBM yang berupa file BBM.apk untuk Android 2.3 (Gingerbread). Ini alamat link download aplikasi BBM (beta) untuk Android Gingerbread (2.3) di
Demikian informasi tentang BBM untuk Android 2.3 (Gingerbread), dan download BBM untuk Android 2.3, semoga bermanfaat.
Informasi akan diluncurkannya BBM untuk Android 2.3 adalah berasal dari resmi BlackBerry, yang menjelaskan bahwa aplikasi BBM versi Android Gingerbread saat ini telah memasuki versi beta dan disebutkan akan segera diluncurkan pada Februari 2014. Sehingga mulai sekarang sering-seringlah Anda mengikuti perkembangan dari situs resmi Balckberry, sehingga segera bisa untuk men- BBM versi Android 2.3, dan kemudian bisa menggunakan BBM di Android 2.3 secara gratis, sebagaimana penggunaan aplikasi BBM di Android 4.0. Sekarang Anda bisa mengunduh aplikasi BBM yang berupa file BBM.apk untuk Android 2.3 (Gingerbread). Ini alamat link download aplikasi BBM (beta) untuk Android Gingerbread (2.3) di
Demikian informasi tentang BBM untuk Android 2.3 (Gingerbread), dan download BBM untuk Android 2.3, semoga bermanfaat.
Strategies to Help You Sell More Products Online
The great thing about living and working in the digital age is the
ability to connect directly with your customers online. And social media
sites are one of the most effective ways to access potential customers.
As long as you know how to make your status updates, tweets, and
Instagram or Pinterest photos stand out from the rest, you can lure in
potential new clients and generate more sales for your online business.
Be Consistent in Terms of How Often You Post Updates
If you plan on using social media to target new customers, the key is consistency. You need to have a schedule that you can follow easily for posting new updates. If you are only posting sporadically on the other hand, you will not be able to generate enough of a buzz to get people interested in what you are doing, and you will not be able to reach the audience that you need to target in order to get more people to buy your products or services.Be Consistent in Terms of the Subject of Your Posts
Another key component to a successful social media marketing campaign is the ability to be consistent when it comes to the subject of your posts. Rather than posting about one product or service in the morning and then promoting another product or service in a completely different category a mere few hours later, try to focus in on just one product or one service and then promote it consistently for a period of time. This will help you reach new clients more effectively than spreading your message too thin.Keep Blogging
In addition to helping you with your SEO campaign, blogging on a regular basis also ensures that fresh content will always be available on your website. And by keeping your website fresh with new information and ideas, you will be proving to your audience that your business is on top of the latest and best trends and that you are knowledgeable and you work hard every day to stay ahead of the competition. By letting your blog stagnate, on the other hand, your customers will fail to realise just how good you are at what you do and they may forget about you altogether.Use Images and Videos Wherever Possible
From your blogs to your social media updates, try to incorporate many graphical elements that are eye-catching and attention grabbing, especially if you use Instagram and Pinterest to get your message out there. Professional product photographs, for example, will ensure that customers see every detail of your high quality items, whereas videos can be a great way to show how knowledgeable you are or how effective your products are.Post Statuses at the Most Opportune Times
People seem to use their social media pages more during specific hours of the day, such as during the lunch hour or after getting home from work, when they can relax and take some time to connect. Therefore, post your updates during these hours, as you increase the odds of more people seeing them.Samsung S5 diperkenalkan di Mobile World Congress 2014
Samsung menampilkan generasi kelima Samsung Galaxy S iaitu S5 pada persidangan dan pameran Mobile World Congress 2014 di Barcelona, Sepanyol, pastinya dapat memenuhi kehendak asas pengguna yang mahukan kamera berkualiti tinggi serta aplikasi mudah untuk membuat suntingan serta memindah naik foto. Lapor Gaddafi Musli di Barcelona, Sepanyol.
Dengan resolusi kamera 16 megapiksel, S5 turut menawarkan sistem fokus automatik terpantas di dunia sehingga 0.3 saat selain menaik taraf kualiti High Dynamic Range (HDR) untuk menghasilkan pencahayaan serta warna yang lebih terang.
Dari segi fizikal, ia sama seperti model terdahulu dengan bahan plastik premium namun dengan rekaan yang lebih moden seperti liang kecil untuk tampak lebih elegan dan mudah dipegang.
Skrin lebih besar iaitu 5.1 inci Full HD Super AMOLED pastinya menjanjikan kepuasan pengguna ditambah dengan pemproses 2.5 GHz Quad-core dan generasi kelima Wi-Fi 802.11ac serta 2X2 MIMO yang menyokong frekuensi LTE kategori 4.
Untuk pengguna yang mendambakan kepantasan Internet, S5 didatangkan dengan Download Booster, teknologi Wi-Fi yang menggabungkan kelajuan Wi-Fi dan LTE untuk meningkatkan kelajuan data.
Gajet yang ditawarkan dalam empat warna iaitu hitam, putih, biru dan emas ini juga tahan percikan air serta debu IP67 dan ditambah baik dengan fungsi keselamatan menggunakan pengimbas cap jari, yang mana turut boleh digunakan untuk tujuan pembayaran online.
Produk: Samsung Galaxy S5
Harga: Tidak diperoleh
OS: Android 4.4.2 Kitkat
Dimensi: 5.60 x 2.85 x 0.31 inci
Berat: 145g
Paparan: 5.1 inci HD Super AMOLED
Kamera: 16MP
Kamera depan: 2MP
CPU: 2.5GHz Quad Core
Memori: 16/32/64GB
Slot kad: microSD
Bateri: 2,800mAh
Harga: Tidak diperoleh
OS: Android 4.4.2 Kitkat
Dimensi: 5.60 x 2.85 x 0.31 inci
Berat: 145g
Paparan: 5.1 inci HD Super AMOLED
Kamera: 16MP
Kamera depan: 2MP
CPU: 2.5GHz Quad Core
Memori: 16/32/64GB
Slot kad: microSD
Bateri: 2,800mAh
Apple iPad mini 2
The iPad mini with Retina screen is everything the little tablet
deserved to be - a more compact equal of the bigger iPad with no
compromises made. And unfortunately, it's just one thing short of what
we all thought a compact tablet should be - cheap. Well, Apple isn't
exactly known for selling cheap, it's quite on the contrary.
Last year's iPad mini was more of a byproduct of the iPad lineup - with a significantly cheaper price, a different design and somewhat inferior hardware, the baby iPad was quite different to its full size sibling. This year marks a shift in Apple's product strategy. Now, the two new iPads are equals - with the mini being merely a scaled down version of the same spectacular screen tech and the same high-performance internals.
There's been no corner cutting this time and the new iPad mini is more expensive as a result. We guess the price hike comes only to highlight the iPad mini's new standing in the pecking order - it's no longer the budget option - it's the more portable version of the same flagship product. A lower price point would have also hurt the big iPad sales because the two tablets are not at all that different.
You would actually be amazed how identical the two look. But that's a good thing in a sense. Users no longer have to pick one of the two based on feature set or design, or bezel size for that matter. Now, you can just pick the size that's right for you. The high-end user experience is all there without any give or take.
Apple iPad mini 2 press photos
Comparing it to its predecessor, the Apple iPad mini with Retina screen looks no different either, but that's until you turn it on. The new screen is impressively sharp and the new chipset is blazing fast, meaning loading times in most apps are noticeably faster now. The Wi-Fi speeds have doubled, there is a seriously bigger battery inside, there is a second mic for noise cancellation and now you have a brand new 128GB version, if you've got the money to burn - the last generation iPad mini maxed out at 64GB.
The new dual-core 64-bit A7 chipset inside the new mini jumps two generations ahead of the A5 processor in the original. It's not that the older mini was sluggish, but the new device is notably faster and more responsive in almost all apps we tried.
Last season's bigger iPad at least had the luxury of being more powerful but those days are gone. Now the two size of iPads have equally good specs, which kinda puts the iPad Air in a sticky position. It's true that the bigger Air is easier to carry than any other full-size iPad and the slimmer frame helps single-handed operation but there's no avoiding the fact that the iPad mini is the friendlier form factor.
The iPad mini's handling and portability could be the big decider for a lot of people who are eyeing a new iPad for Christmas. To be honest, we don't think Apple will mind no matter which one you pick.
Last year's iPad mini was more of a byproduct of the iPad lineup - with a significantly cheaper price, a different design and somewhat inferior hardware, the baby iPad was quite different to its full size sibling. This year marks a shift in Apple's product strategy. Now, the two new iPads are equals - with the mini being merely a scaled down version of the same spectacular screen tech and the same high-performance internals.
There's been no corner cutting this time and the new iPad mini is more expensive as a result. We guess the price hike comes only to highlight the iPad mini's new standing in the pecking order - it's no longer the budget option - it's the more portable version of the same flagship product. A lower price point would have also hurt the big iPad sales because the two tablets are not at all that different.
You would actually be amazed how identical the two look. But that's a good thing in a sense. Users no longer have to pick one of the two based on feature set or design, or bezel size for that matter. Now, you can just pick the size that's right for you. The high-end user experience is all there without any give or take.


Apple iPad mini 2 press photos
Comparing it to its predecessor, the Apple iPad mini with Retina screen looks no different either, but that's until you turn it on. The new screen is impressively sharp and the new chipset is blazing fast, meaning loading times in most apps are noticeably faster now. The Wi-Fi speeds have doubled, there is a seriously bigger battery inside, there is a second mic for noise cancellation and now you have a brand new 128GB version, if you've got the money to burn - the last generation iPad mini maxed out at 64GB.
Key features
- 7.9" LED-backlit IPS LCD touchscreen, 1536 x 2048 pixels, ~ 324 ppi, oleophobic coating
- Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n connectivity with MIMO dual antennas
- Optional 2G/3G GSM, CDMA, LTE connectivity (data only, separate models)
- Optional GPS with A-GPS support (for the Wi-Fi+Cellular model only)
- Dual-core A7 64-bit 1.3 GHz Cyclone (ARM v8-based) chip with M7 motion coprocessor
- PowerVR G6430 quad-core GPU
- 1GB of RAM
- iOS 7 with gesture support and a premium set of free Apple apps - iLife, iMovie, iPhoto, etc.
- 16/32/64/128GB of inbuilt storage
- Weight of 331g (341g for the Wi-Fi + Cellular option)
- Bluetooth 4.0
- Lightning USB port
- Stereo speakers
- Accelerometer, compass and three-axis gyro-sensor
- 5MP auto-focus camera
- 1080p video recording at 30fps
- 1.2MP 720p secondary camera capable of FaceTime calls
- 23.8 Wh Li-Po battery
- 1080p TV-output with the Apple Digital AV Adapter (purchased separately for $49), 1080p video streaming or separate audio streaming via AirPlay
- Supports magnetic cases
Main disadvantages
- Expensive for a compact tablet
- Non expandable memory, extra storage is largely overpriced
- Tied into iTunes for uploading most of the content
- No standard USB port
- No GPS receiver in the Wi-Fi-only version
The new dual-core 64-bit A7 chipset inside the new mini jumps two generations ahead of the A5 processor in the original. It's not that the older mini was sluggish, but the new device is notably faster and more responsive in almost all apps we tried.
Last season's bigger iPad at least had the luxury of being more powerful but those days are gone. Now the two size of iPads have equally good specs, which kinda puts the iPad Air in a sticky position. It's true that the bigger Air is easier to carry than any other full-size iPad and the slimmer frame helps single-handed operation but there's no avoiding the fact that the iPad mini is the friendlier form factor.
The iPad mini's handling and portability could be the big decider for a lot of people who are eyeing a new iPad for Christmas. To be honest, we don't think Apple will mind no matter which one you pick.
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