Looking to make your fortune through online business? It’s not a hard thing today consider the fact that internet is easily accessible and the population of internet users is raising tremendously over the years.
There are so many types of online business running nowadays and it’s easy to get lost on what online business you should venture into.
Start with something you familiar with but that is pretty saturated? Or start an online business that you have no knowledge on how to do it but it has high potential?
Picking the type of online business to start with is a massive hit to the head, especially for starters.
Below are some of the ideas you can take into consideration when you want to start an online business in Malaysia, or wherever you live.
1. Fire Sale
Dig into your computer’s hard drive, can you find anything that you own the rights to resell? Materials such as e-book, presentation slide, useful content that you made or own the rights to resell.
What you need to do now is set up a minisite and sell it.
Register a simple domain name and broadcast this message to your friends, family and or any websites that you have access to. Let them know this is one time limited offer and will only last a few days.
This is especially easy when you have content to resell and your own contact/mailing list.
2. Online Auction
One of the fastest way to make some cash online is to sell your unwanted items through eBay or other marketplaces. Look around your house for things that are no longer in use, music CDs, video games, TVs, toys, antiques and so forth. They may no longer have uses to you but someone else out there may be looking for this at a cheap price.
To be a reputable and trustable marketplace seller, make sure you keep your account clean. Set up your product page with proper description, keywords and use suitable pictures.
3. Flipping Websites
This method is popular to some but some may not know this at all. Flipping website simply means buy and sell websites.
These websites can be an empty one with a catchy domain name or established websites with good flow of traffic, content and potential to grow in revenue.
You can also build your own website and resell it in future, just need to make sure your website is well designed and have good SEO, so it won’t be a problem when you want to sell it in the future.
Alternatively, you can also buy an established website, modify, tweak and make them more profitable, then sell them at a higher price.
4. Turn Your Skills into Business
If you have the ability to write, code, design, edit or any other skills that people are looking to outsource online, do it.
There’s a lot of employers looking to outsource these processes online, so you may want to take up projects and jobs to generate some side income.
Create your own portfolio website and then let your potential employers or partners know about it, showcase your previous works and your capabilities in your website.
5. Become an Affiliate
When it comes to online business, it is not necessary that you must sell your own products or service. You can also sell other’s people products and service and still get your money.
Become an affiliate of a business and sell their product and service to get commission.
In this case you save up a lot on your business capital and just focus on sales and marketing, but still you will be able to reap huge profit depends on how many % of the commission the business is paying you.
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