Top 10 Small Business Investment Opportunities in Malaysia for 2017

1. Travel agency Because Malaysia is a business hub, many people travel in and out of the country for business purposes. This amounts to huge opportunities for travel agencies and businesses that cater to travelers directly or indirectly. So, if you are looking to start a business in Malaysia, one smart option is to start a travel agency. It requires low capital, it’s easy to start, and the returns are huge. 2. Tourism Malaysia plays host to several thousands of visitors every year. This leaves lot of profit to be made by investors in the country’s tourism sector. If you have a big budget, you can build a hotel or resort in Malaysia that caters to tourists that visit the country on vacation. Small businesses can also tap from the sector by offering products and services that cater to tourists as well. So, whether your budget is big or small, you can always make money from Malaysia’s tourism sector. 3. Fashion Malaysians, like every other people, love fashion. They show great concern for what they wear and what they look like. Though there are many fashion outlets spread all over the country, there is enough room for new investors to make money. If you’d like to start a fashion business in Malaysia, keep in mind that local fashion sells best. So, you will need to learn about this if you are not a native of Malaysia. 4. Foods and snacks Fast foods and snacks really sell in Malaysia. So, there are huge opportunities for businesses that package and sell fast foods and snacks like ice-cream and yoghurt. Starting a food business is very easy and requires little capital. So, you will quickly make money from this business — and it doesn’t matter if you are a native of Malaysia or not. 5. Microfinance services New businesses, especially small businesses are springing up daily in Malaysia. And to thrive in the long run, these businesses need funding, which they can readily get from microfinance banks. So, microfinance banking is a hot business opportunity for investors to explore. If you have a background in banking and finance, and you have the required startup capital, you can start a microfinance bank that caters to individuals and small businesses. 6. Oil and gas Oil and gas products sell very well in Malaysia. And no, you don’t have to be a millionaire in dollars to start this business. With a few thousand dollars, you can be a retailer for various oil and gas products such as kerosene and natural gas. And if you have a fat amount to invest, you can open a filling station that sells a wide range of products from the oil and gas industry. 7. Internet business More Malaysians are becoming aware of the huge opportunities available in online business. Most college students and graduates are making lots of money from various online businesses such as website design, freelance writing, affiliate marketing, professional blogging, information marketing, and so on. With a solid knowledge of how things work, you too can make lots of profit off the internet while working from the comfort of your home. 8. Professional services With many new small businesses emerging with each passing day, business professionals have a steadily growing market to cater to. Most small businesses require the services of bookkeepers and accountants at the very basic stages of their operations. So, if you have a background in accounting, bookkeeping, or some other specialty that caters to small and medium scale businesses, you have huge opportunities at your fingertips. 9. Local taxi service If you have a car that you don’t use most of the time, you can convert it into a taxi. You will make a decent income from this business because there is a high demand for it. 10. Smartphone and PC repairs More than half of Malaysian adults have a smartphone or PC. This means there are opportunities for businesses that help to fix problems with these devices. People would rather repair their systems than throw them away after they get damaged. So, if you have a knack for fixing faults in electronic devices, here’s a golden opportunity for you to make cool cash.


白手起家是许多年轻人的梦想,希望可以以自己的能力开创一个属于自己的事业小天地。在经济状况的局限之下,究竟有什么生意可以以低成本入门,却又可以赚钱呢?这里小编整合了一些生意概念,想创业的朋友可以考虑考虑哦! 小生意一: 家庭式烘培 在马来西亚,家庭式烘培是一门蛮火热的生意。相对于拥有一间面包店/蛋糕店,家庭式烘培的成本来得低,基于几个理由: 不需租金 不需聘请额外员工看店 有订单时才开始烘培,因此可以更好地监控材料成本,并减少丢弃过多的成品 不需装修店面,以符合政府规格要求 通常这些家庭式烘培并没有登记公司名称,所以通常不需给税 小编发现很多家庭式烘培都是靠着人传人的方式以及社交网站来接受订单,成效也非常不错,特别是在大节日的时候,如华人新年、中秋节和马来人新年。据小编的朋友说,他本身在新年时所接获的年饼生意,在一个月内就可以净赚高达数千元,甚至上万,只因为承包了几家店面的烘培生意。此外,家庭式烘培可以更随心所欲地发挥自己的创意和才能,为顾客私人化他们所要求的蛋糕等等,因此更获得顾客们的青睐。 要开始这门生意非常简单。首先,你需要有烘培知识和用具。接着,可以做一些蛋糕成为你的portfolio并放在网上宣传,那就行啦!网上宣传方面可以使用免费的blogspot 和面子书,这样就可以减少宣传经费了。以下是一些活生生的例子,告诉你这门生意绝对可以做! 参考网站: 杯子蛋糕 生日蛋糕 小生意二: 外卖 现代人越来越忙,忙得连煮食的时间也没有,外卖的生意也因此越来越吃香。相较于之前在餐厅进餐,现在有更多的家庭希望可以在家用餐之余,吃的方面更要使用健康食材和无味精。这也导致了很多外卖公司纷纷窜起,以健康为口号,让在家煮食的外卖生意搞得有声有色。 要做外卖生意,最重要的是人流。如果专攻午餐,那么有许多白领阶级工作人的地方就是很好的选择,如Mont Kiara, Subang, KL, Puchong等等。如要专攻晚餐(通常承包全家晚餐),那么就要选择在住家的地方。要不,选择在大学附近,为住宿舍的学生提供伙食,也是很好赚的,特别是在考试期。 紧接着,要设计餐单。将一个月的餐单设计好后,可以方便人们订购,你也可以精准地采购食材。食材方面可以到pasar borong或NSK之类的地方购买,便宜之余也提供新鲜的食材。至于宣传方面,网上宣传是最快的方法无疑。此外,也可以拍一些传单在住家、公司等等。 要成立这门生意,需要拥有煮食经验,通常需要至少2-3人一起才有能力应付这门生意,一人负责快递、一人负责煮食和一人负责接订单/宣传/帐目等。汽车/摩多车也是必备的,以方便将食物快递出去。 相较于传统餐厅,这个生意的流动量比较大,成本也比较小,在预测食材方面也简单很多,是为想开餐馆的朋友赚取第一桶金的方法之一。 参考网站: GraceKitchen Dahmakan KotakLunch 小生意三: 设计师 设计师的成本在于自己的创意、设计技巧和一架电脑。这生意的难度在于要如何不断接到生意。建议在开始这门生意之前,设计师本身已经有经验并有好的履历(portfolio),才可以吸引更多的顾客。一旦越来越多生意找上门,你可以聘请一些同行为你设计,并从中抽取佣金,这也会是一笔可观的费用。小编觉得可以参考以下网站,他们推广自己的方式不错,可以直接让顾客看到他们的水准之余,对自己也是成立了可以被信赖的个人品牌。 参考网站: Dream Design Sureewoong 小生意四: 社交媒体管理系统的中间人 无可否认的,社交媒体已经成为许多公司的命脉之一。在处理社交媒体时,许多繁琐的事情需要管理。例如:在多个论坛户口上载公司消息、面子书与粉丝互动、整理社交网站所得到的最新资料等等。虽然有些公司会聘请社交媒体管理员,可是也有许多公司都愿意outsource 自由工作者负责不同的事物。 想要做这门生意,你需要有很好的人脉。这个的成本非常低,最多是你的电话费/transaction fee而已。那这门生意要怎么做呢?成为自由工作者吗?答案是:成为自由工作者和公司之间的中间人,这才是最好赚的。这就是为什么小编说人脉在这门生意里面很重要。你只要认识有这些需求的公司,也认识许多想要找工的学生们,你的收入就有了。 如果与Promoter这份工作相较于做比较,找Promoter做工抽佣,你需要到promoter做工的地方确定他的工作态度、不能放飞机,而且一个event顶多2个星期就完了。届时,你需要找更多的人和event,还需确保promoter的工作素质,非常麻烦。 社交媒体管理通常是长久的project,而且新人上手后,你对新人的管理也可以减少许多,但是还是可以继续抽佣(根据你和公司讨论的成果)。就算新人没法如期工作,在家工作这个优点就足以让你更容易找到顶替的人选。 小生意五: 形象设计/化妆 个人化妆、上门化妆/修甲、新娘化妆等等,这些只需要你的化妆等等的工具、交通就可以开始做生意了。你自己就是你生意的品牌。这个生意的灵活度很高,在接下一个job 后的酬劳也是非常高的。这个的工作性质和设计师非常相像。 参考网站: Aivy BridalMakeup Yenmakeup 其实赚钱的门路有很多,更考验的是对生意的热忱和恒心。只要选择了对的方向,持之以恒才是通向成功的道路。所以要创业的年轻人,不要抱着5分钟热度,一旦开始要经营一番事业,就必须坚持下去哦!

12 Home Business Ideas You Can Start for Cheap

1. Cleaning Service Offices, residences, retail, or restaurants are all potential customers if you want to start a cleaning service. You can even put a unique spin on it by offering “green cleaning.” For the cost of some quality cleaning products and supplies, you can get your first client as soon as you can make a Costco run. Cleaning service businesses typically don’t require a lot of advertising. When you do really good work, word-of-mouth referrals take care of new business for you. 2. Online Writing Services No list of home business ideas would be complete without mentioning online writing services. Copy editing, ghostwriting, and copywriting are super important in today’s online world of information. Companies from around the world rely on the service of writers to get them noticed in a sea of content. Think you need a lot of education and experience to start a writing career? Think again. You can start a freelance writing career with no prior experience. 3. Event Planner Some people just have event planning in their bloods (I, am not one of them). Taking care of the details of an important day and making sure everything goes off without a hitch, is what party planners are known for. Thanks to their fire-putting-out capabilities and knack for getting things done, people are willing to pay big bucks for a party planner who takes the reins while letting them actually enjoy their event. There are some great resources out there about starting your own event planning business from the ground up. 4. Household Organizer The saying, “Cluttered desk, cluttered mind,” are words I live by when working from home. The same can be said about running a household and having everything in a state of disarray negatively affecting how smoothly your days go. It’s no secret that organization leads to productivity, but getting (and staying organized) just isn’t everyone’s forte. If you’ve got a knack for order and can help others clear the clutter, you’ve got a home business you can start for dirt cheap. (Bonus points when you let clients know about Amazon’s trade-in program which allows them to get rid of their stuff and earn money back!). 5. Grocery Delivery Wouldn’t it be great if your car paid for itself? Well, if you use it to be a grocery deliverer, it just might! There’s a reason why services like Uber, TaskRabbit, and Amazon Flex have soared in popularity, people love the on-demand economy and convenience of getting things done when they need it. Cash in on the craze and start a grocery delivery business. This kind of service is easy to market towards busy parents, small business owners, and elderly or disabled individuals who might otherwise have difficulty getting their shopping done (bonus ideas: offer other errand running services to increase revenue!) 6. Property Manager I once filled in as a property manager for about three months while a former landlord (and good friend!) was away on personal business. Although she had just a handful of properties to her name and about a dozen tenants, I stayed pretty busy keeping up with collecting rent, fielding calls, showing vacant properties, and setting up work orders for repairs. Property owners need highly organized and efficient individuals to handle the day-to-day operations of having income-producing properties. 7. Social Media Consultant You’re going to pin, tweet, post, snap, and update anyway, so why not get paid for your expertise? Social media shows no signs of slowing down, in fact, there seems to be a new platform popping up every week. And that’s a lot of social media to handle. That’s why companies rely on social media savvy individuals to keep up with multiple accounts and help them stay relevant. If you can produce share-worthy content and know how to increase social interaction, you’re on your way to what can be a lucrative social media consultant business! 8. eBook Author Writing an eBook isn’t as hard as you think. The best part of becoming an eBook author is that you literally can earn money while you sleep (or eat, or shop, or any other time!). With eBooks, you do the work once and get paid over and over again. Deciding on a topic and writing your first eBook can be done in a month’s time, even if you have a full-time job and other daily commitments. The best way to earn money as a eBook author is to build up a portfolio of multiple books. The more you have, the more passive income you’ll generate! 9. Resume Writer Perfecting your resume is tough, but when you do, it can open many more doors than an outdated or out of touch one ever could. Job seekers recognize the power of a well-crafted resume and are turning to professionals to help them write an effective resume or CV that gets them an interview. There are tons of these kinds of gigs listed on the various freelance marketplaces. Networking on LinkedIn is also a great way to get the word out about your services and start securing work. 10. Virtual Assistant There’s really no limit to what a virtual assistant may be tasked with. Much of a VAs responsibilities will largely depend on the client’s line of business and needs. But if you’re a jack or jill of all trades, keep calm under pressure, and are generally pretty good at prioritizing and getting things done, you just might be the perfect VA. This profession has exploded in popularity in recent years. And now is as good as time as any to set yourself up as a virtual assistant and help busy professionals get more done in a day. 11. Blog Running a blog is very much the same as running a business. While you might not see a ton of money rolling in right away, with the right monetization strategies in place, you can eventually make a living blogging and grow it into your very own personal brand. The startup costs are pretty small and between affiliate marketing, ad networks, sponsored posts, and other direct ad sales, there’s many ways to produce income with your blog. 12. Get Crafty Crafting is big business! Just look at all the successful Etsy sellers raking in six figures every year. Etsy aside, there are no shortages of sites where you can start selling your crafts today. You don’t need a ton of inventory to get started, just enough to take some really good pictures and set up shop on whichever sites you choose. Many people start out selling part time and end up turning their hobby into a full-time home-based business.