With the launch of the new LG Nexus 5, Google has once again released a top-tier smartphone at a price that is decidedly mid-range. Just like the Nexus 4 from last year, the Nexus 5′s retail price in the US is almost half of other flagship smartphones out there and will be the first Android smartphone to run on Google’s latest Android 4.4 Kit Kat. Being a Nexus 4 user myself, it’s easy to be tempted to upgrade to Google’s latest and greatest flagship.
But just how much of an upgrade would it be? And, how does it compare to other flagship Android smartphones in the market? Heck, how does it compare to other flagship smartphones running on Windows Phone 8 and iOS? I set out to find out, and the following data has been tabulated after the break.
First, the easy comparison. The Nexus 5
improves on last year’s Nexus 4 in just about every department. With
almost every Android flagship offering a Full HD screen, it’s no
surprise that the Nexus 5 would also pack a similar screen in. What’s
interesting is the addition of Optical Image Stabilisation (OIS) into
the Nexus 5. Nexus devices have been notorious for its underwhelming
camera performance, and I sure hope that the new Nexus 5 would be a
significant improvement in that department.
Next, it was only fair to compare the Nexus 5 to its contemporaries: the Samsung Galaxy S4, HTC One, Sony Xperia Z1, LG G2, the Motorola Moto X, and for comparison’s sake, the Nokia Lumia 1020 and the Apple iPhone 5.
In terms of specs, the LG Nexus 5 is well and truly a flagship device
compared to the other Android flagships in the market today. Naturally,
the specs speak half the story when it comes to Windows Phone 8 and iOS
7, but I figured it’d be interesting to include them in the table anyway
for easy reference.
Looking through the table, the LG Nexus 5
would be a pretty significant upgrade, and a compelling alternative if
you’re looking for a flagship Android smartphone with a pure Android
experience. Of course, the only question here is, when will it make its
way here to Malaysia and how much will it cost?